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Archive for March 2016

Just an Off Week

By : Unknown
 So have you ever had a day that everything that could go wrong did. Now imagine an entire month. March has been a total bitch to me this year. Its messed with friendships, suprise bills, loss in hours, asshole co-workers that are trying to get you in trouble any chance they have, and just overall a depression that all you mind is telling you is this is how its gonna be its not gonna get any better.
It just keeps saying oh your best friend just moved three hours away so you cant just walk down the street and talk to her anymore your gonna be alone. Oh you think your set on bills...yeah remeber last month that clerk that you gave your $100 to pay your electric bill pocketed it so you have a back payment. Hey this manager hates you so much that she lied to you about working so that you no called no showed and now are suspended for a week.  Oh guess what else lets add three family members dying on top of all that hows that do you feel sad enough yet?

I dont really know why I wrote this post probably just so I had someone to talk to and also so when things do get better I'll be able to look back and just say fuck you brain you were wrong. I know at least right now I dont have many subscribers on youtube or views on my blog but every time I get a new view on the page or on a video it makes me smile. So yeah, if you made it this far thanks for listening to my rant and you are awesome.


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