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Best picture of me...way shorter hair now.
Hello there everyone. In the online world I go as Kirakitty but irl my name is Delaine. I am a 22 year old working on my classes to start nursing school, that has a very bad addiction to wow...there I said it. I have been playing since early Burning Crusade expansion but no longer have that account. My account I am currently playing has been active since the beginning of Cataclysm.

Besides wow I love all things make-up and if I had all the money in the world would try to get into the special effects area of it all.

The channel/ blog/everything has a fluffy little mascot who I refer to as Gingi, sometimes he will respond to gingapotamus though and usually makes an appearance in almost all videos, streams, and is holding one of my legs hostage because it is apparently more comfy than his kitty bed.

I am a pagan I will leave it at that. So sry if my views offend you in anyway.

That's pretty much everything on my end if you wish to know some more things about me leave some comments either here or on my YouTube channel and I may just do a Q&A vid.


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