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WoW Character's Overview/Update 2017

By : Unknown

It has definitely been quite some time since my last appearance on any type of social platform but I am back with my yearly wow update, and am hopefully gonna keep the ball rolling and produce more content. A lot of changes have happened in WoW to what alts I have/play, how many there are, and what my main server is(psssst...its up in the air atm). So without anymore mindless blabbing here is what is up.

Just an Off Week

By : Unknown
 So have you ever had a day that everything that could go wrong did. Now imagine an entire month. March has been a total bitch to me this year. Its messed with friendships, suprise bills, loss in hours, asshole co-workers that are trying to get you in trouble any chance they have, and just overall a depression that all you mind is telling you is this is how its gonna be its not gonna get any better.
It just keeps saying oh your best friend just moved three hours away so you cant just walk down the street and talk to her anymore your gonna be alone. Oh you think your set on bills...yeah remeber last month that clerk that you gave your $100 to pay your electric bill pocketed it so you have a back payment. Hey this manager hates you so much that she lied to you about working so that you no called no showed and now are suspended for a week.  Oh guess what else lets add three family members dying on top of all that hows that do you feel sad enough yet?

I dont really know why I wrote this post probably just so I had someone to talk to and also so when things do get better I'll be able to look back and just say fuck you brain you were wrong. I know at least right now I dont have many subscribers on youtube or views on my blog but every time I get a new view on the page or on a video it makes me smile. So yeah, if you made it this far thanks for listening to my rant and you are awesome.


Kitty Potter Land Update

By : Unknown
Well hello. If you have been following my YouTube channel for a while my first video was me proposing the idea for a Harry Potter world replica in Minecraft. I came across a very big problem.

As you will notice in the picture Hogwarts has a very tall tower. Which to get an idea of how tall it was in Minecraft terms I went and looked and some of the other replica's that were available for download. None of the towers were finished. Every single one I looked at all got cut off by Minecraft's height restriction. So to sum up my de lima in the world I was working with I was on level 67. To get the majority of the tower without making it look squashed yet still allowing the lake to be somewhat deep, I would have to dig down to around level 7 or 8, which after it taking 2 months to dig a small square I said screw it.

Then a couple of days ago I got an idea. What about a super flat world? Then so many more problems popped up. I don't want to cheat, there are no trees, how am I gonna get sand, am I going to have to get everything from the twilight forest, where the heck is the cobble. So while I'm thinking all this two days later I had another idea, presets.

I used chunkbase's super flat world generator to create a world with spruce trees, lava and ponds, ores enough layers of stone for all the ores to spawn naturally and just built the perfect world that I needed. The lake will still be time-consuming but digging from layer 17 to level 2 is a lot easier than from 67.

If you want to know what seed I am using and the exact preset go check out my Kitty Potterland playlist it will be in the description of all of the episodes from ep.2 and on.

Much Love

World of Warcraft Character Overview and Update.

By : Unknown
Little Rogue Saying Hi

Hello, there my lovely kitten army. Couple days ago I was like wouldn't it be cool to track my WoW characters progress...and then my brain jumped to OOOOHHHHH VIDEO IDEA. So here is my starting character tracky thingy, and I am probably gonna put one out once a month just so I can see where all my time is going and which characters I play more. My goal is to try and get the majority of my moon guard toons to lvl 100. If you want to know more about any of my characters I will be putting links to the armory down below the video ^-^.

Mah many characters (list will update with characters):
3. Eluenne
9. Rekamis
10. Gingisnap
11. Kittyfel
15. Nallyna
16. Nezbrez
17. Venerix
18. Braesonda
19. Kirashock
21. Velliris
22. Elischa
26. Siwona
27. Leirdre
28. Kuskara
30. Navhidra

First Post YAY ^-^

By : Unknown

Hello, everyone. So I decided to start a blog to go along with my YouTube channel so I can give you all more content and information about things I bring up in my videos, and I also thought it would be fun just to document some things such as my wow life. Hope you all enjoy and love you guys (in the non-weird way of course.)

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